Discover what MACC Academy alumni are saying about their experiences and results.
"You have inspired me with your limitless amount of energy and drive to push myself out of my comfort zone. Your incredible achievements are awe inspiring, and you truly exemplify the meaning of hard work and innovative thinking! Your empathy and true care for your employees are such an inspiration for me to lead by example."
"Dr. Dudley – You have been a good friend and a great example of the effect of hard work and a positive attitude. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have my house. I owe you more than I can repay. Thank you."
"Scott - You continue to inspire me with your non-stop energy, enthusiasm, and warmth towards everyone. You treat everyone like they are your best friend and your energy is infectious. I will always remember how you helped me with my angioedema case. I was so stressed (not sleeping, etc) and went to you for advice, and the first thing you offered me (before any clinical advice) was a hug, which I really needed at the time. I will always remember that and be thankful for the support and comfort when I needed it most. You also got me to change gears and focus on the business aspect and metrics of the profession. Moving forward with goals of eventually becoming a practice owner, this perspective change will be very helpful. He showed me that the "patient's best interests" and "the bottom line" are not mutually exclusive and it is possible to strive to meet both."
"Dudley - I had some of the basic building blocks when I began working with you 3 years ago, but I’m a different dentist and leader than I was when I started working at Elite. I’m grateful for your friendship, patience and leadership, you have made a big impact on so many of us! THANK YOU."
"Dr. Dudley - You have an innovative approach to dentistry inspiring those around you to continually ask, “how can we do this better” instead of sticking to the status quo. You inspire those around you to look for solutions and improvements to drive all team members towards success. Being able to observe that type of leadership in action has helped me to grow as a leader. You also believe in the people around you, and your confidence in me has helped me to take on new challenges and grow professionally. Thank you!"
"Scott has inspired me in a number of ways in the short 6-7 years that I have known him, and I’m sure that I could write an essay on this topic! To sum it up, he has inspired me to often evaluate my current situations both professional and personal and to develop a plan and put action steps in that would better me as a doctor, husband and father. Don’t be afraid of change and always focus on the big picture knowing that there will be sacrifices that we all make along the journey."
"Dr. Dudley - As you already know, when I first started, I knew nothing about dentistry, now, I know a little more, and for much of it, I have you to thank. Your leadership and example have inspired me and have opened my eyes to new stages of opportunity, strength, and definitely to think outside the box. I am very thankful for all your advice and to call you my boss."
"I have been working for 2 weeks now and was thinking of you and VDC all this time. It is always tough and stressful to start a new job where everything is new, the environment, stuff, patients. You feel under pressure and realise that each step is watched and measured. However, despite all these stressful moments these two weeks were not that bad. My strong background, memories from VDC - my first job experience in the United States, great people I have worked with, strategies we would implement to treat patients, and many other things would pop up in my mind constantly making me feel better and helping me to stay calm and confident. Moreover, I learned that people surrounding me are nice and supportive. At the end of the day the office manager was surprised to see me being productive with decent treatment plan acceptance rates so fast. It is still a long journey and a lot to learn, but I am so grateful to God that I always meet good people in my path, which help and motivate me. Dr. Dudley, thank you so much for being there when I needed it the most. It means a world to me. You have been and continue to be an excellent role model to me and Furkat. Please, keep in touch!"
Dr Dudley - You have mentored me as friend, surrogate brother, and a colleague. In working with you for the past 15 years, you have inspired me most through your leadership, enthusiasm, and drive. I sure am going to miss your “Top of the morning soldier!” when I arrive to work and the “Drive home safe” at the close of day:) Thank you for everything Dr Dudley!!!! Best of luck to you and your family.
Dr. Dudley is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met and makes me feel like anything is possible with hard work and dedication. I will always be grateful for his encouragement and support in everything. Dr. Dudley has made me better professionally with all his encouragement in every meeting we had. When I decided that I wanted to expand my knowledge in the field of dentistry and apply to dental hygiene school, Dr. Dudley was the first doctor to immediately reply to my request for a letter of recommendation. He did this despite the fact that I had only worked with him personally a handful of times. It's very rare to meet people who push you, inspire you and support you the way Dr. Dudley does. He believes in people and that makes it easier for us to believe in ourselves. I feel extremely lucky to have worked with a boss that truly cares for his team and helps us realize our professional dreams. He doesn't put us in a box but rather encourages us to expand our knowledge and grow beyond what our role/title in the practice is. I will graduate from dental hygiene school in May 2020. I am so grateful for his and this office's support in making my dreams come true by always believing in me. Thank you Dr. Dudley!